Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth looked stunning at the Oscars. After teasing her possible appearance in the awards show in a previous interview, Pataky showed up at the Oscars in a stunning ensemble. She was Hemsworth’s date as he presented two awards on the Oscars ceremony.
Pataky wore a white dress with slits on the stomach, accesorized with silver jewels. She styled her hair in a ponytail and wore silver jewelry that matched and complimented the dress. Hemsworth wore a dark blue tux over a white shirt, resulting in a simple yet elegant look.
After the award show’s conclusion, the couple attended Vanity Fair’s famous Oscar after party, with Pataky exchanging her white dress for a silver one. The pair looked happy as they hugged and smiled for photographs.
Chris Hemsworth’s was one of this year’s presenters at the Oscars. He took the stage alongside Anya Taylor Joy, his co-star of the upcoming film “Furiosa,” as they presented the Oscar for best animated short and best animated feature.
“Furiosa” will debut in theaters on May 24, and is a prequel to “Mad Max: Fury Road.” In it, Taylor Joy stars in the titular role, playing a younger version of the character that was initially played by Charlize Theron.